Graduate School

Thank you for your interest in graduate studies at Univesity of Tsukuba.

Mathematics Program at the Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences is to be restructured to Master’s/Doctoral Programs in Mathematics, the Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences from April 2020
Several recent developments in mathematics have contributed greatly to advances in the natural sciences. Research in this program covers the five main fields of pure and applied mathematics: (1) algebra, (2) geometry, (3) analysis, (4) information science, and (5) mathematical science (applied mathematics).

Graduate students in this program will select one research project in modern mathematics and conduct research under the supervision of one of the faculty advisors.

Students will learn mathematics through advanced lectures and seminars given by faculty advisors. They will be challenged with fundamental general problems as well as more focused, specific problems and become able to produce high-level research findings on pure and applied mathematics.


The following website will give useful information to those who wish to
study in our program.

     Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences website
     International Student Center, University of Tsukuba

Master course

The English proficiency test

  Starting with the examination for 2021 Graduate Admission, the English proficiency of applicants will be evaluated with an official score of TOEIC, TOEFL, or IELTS (Academic Module).  The test score must be submitted at the time of application.

  Applicants are required to submit anoriginal score document, of a type listed below, from a TOEIC/TOEFL/IELTS examination taken up to 23 monthis in advance prior to the application.  A photocopy of the original or a PDF copy downloaded from the test web site will NOT be accepted.

   TOEFL:Examinee Score Report or Test Taker Score Report

   TOEIC:Official Score Certificate/Report (only Listening & Reading Testis valid)

   IELTS:Test Report Form (Academic Module)”

Application form for the 2021 Graduate Admission will be released by the end of April, 2020.


To study algebra, it is advisable that you have an understanding of Jordan normal forms in linear algebra and the fundamentals of groups, rings, and fields.

To study topology, it is advisable that you have an understanding of the fundamentals of sets and topology and, to research differential geometry, it is advisable to be aware of the basics of the geometry of curved lines and surfaces and the fundamentals of manifolds.

To study mathematical analysis, it is advisable that you have an understanding of calculus and linear algebra and the fundamentals of complex analysis and Lebesgue integration.

To study mathematical logic, you need to be aware of the meaning of ordinal numbers, cardinal numbers, and transfinite induction. A fundamental knowledge of naive set theory is also necessary; however, if you have had no opportunity to study these topics, we ask that you at least be familiar with rigorous mathematical arguments.

To study mathematical statistics, you should have a sound knowledge of basic statistical ideas, such as distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing, and acquire competence in calculus and linear algebra. 

For studying computational mathematics, knowledge on basic mathematics is more important than that on computer technology. Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Algebra (at least fundamentals of groups, rings, and fields) are indispensable. Analysis and Geometry may be also necessary depending on research topics. Moreover, you may be required to have some knowledge on algorithms from the viewpoint of computational complexity.

Archive of Past Entrance Exams

For international students, Master’s Program in Mathematics provides English translation of the exam questions upon request.

The followings are questions of “Specialized Subjects” (Mathematics) which have been delivered in past entrance exams.

Doctoral course

Financial support for Ph.D. students (Doctoral course)

The Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences provides financial
support for Ph.D. candidates to promote their research activities.  All
Ph.D. candidates, except those listed below, will be hired as research
assistants (RAs) and the support will be paid as the remuneration.
For the fiscal year 2019, the RA remuneration will equal 100% of the
tuition fee.  Students who have a full or half tuition fee exemption are
supported at the same level as non-exempt students.  Students who
enroll as Ph.D. candidates for more than 3 years are also eligible for
support, but the level of support will be reduced.

The following students are not eligible for this support:
(1) JSPS Research Fellows,
(2) Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Students,
(3) Students who are employed as RAs (or equivalent) in other
institutions or are financed by external funding,
(4) Students with a certain amount of income as employees/employers,
(5) Students taking a leave of absence from the university
(6) Students receiving a benefit type scholarship of 140,000 yen / month
or more.

For more information, contact us by email at  (delete two # symbols)