Vol.33, No.2 (2009)

Jun-ichi Matsuzawa and Makoto TakahashiRepresentations of normalizer subgroups of maximal tori of simple Lie groups189
Chiaki TsukamotoStability in SO(n+3)/SO(3)\times SO(n) branchig239
Kazuo Takemura, Hiroyuki Yamagishi, Yoshinori Kametaka, Kohtaro Watanabe and Atsushi NagaiThe best constant of Sobolev inequality corresponding to a bending problem of a beam on an interval253
Yuriko Gorai, Hiroyuki Tasaki, and Mio YamakawaConvergence rates of approximate sums of the areas of surfaces of revolution281
Aleksander Grytczuk and Izabela KurzydloOn some matrix diophantine equations299
Absos Ali Shaikh, Yoon Dae-won and Shyamal Kumar HuiOn quasi-Einstein spacetimes305

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Vol.33, No.1 (2009)

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