Vol.28, No.2 (2004)

Joujuu OhmoriSimple components of Q [Sp4(Fq)]245
E. BallicoHolomorphic vector bundles on quadric hypersurfaces of infinite-dimensional projective spaces279
Nobuya SuzukiQuantifier elimination results for products of ordered Abelian groups291
Edgar E. Enochs and Overtoun M. G. JendaGorenstein injective modules and Ext303
Marco CappielloFourier integral operators of infinite order and applications to SG-hyperbolic equations311
Tatsuji TanakaOn arithmetical bounds of Chow-forms363
Shuan-hong WangA Maschke Type Theorem for Hopf π-Comodules377
Masafumi YoshinoDiophantine phenomena in commuting vector fields and diffeomorphisms389
Filip Defever and R.RoscaRiemannian manifolds structured by a local conformal section401
Elisabetta Barletta and Sorin DragomirOn the regularity of weak subelliptic F-harmonic maps417
Reiko SAKAMOTORestricted energy inequalities and numerical approximations437
T.Banakh, R.Cauty, K.Trushchak, and L.ZdomskyiOn Universality of Finite Products of Polish Spaces455

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Vol.28, No.1 (2004)

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Vol.29, No.1 (2005)