Vol.31, No.2 (2007)

Luigia Di Terlizzi, Jerzy J. Konderak and Robert WolakA generalization of the Boothby-Wang theorem217
Mayuko KonRicci recurrent CR submanifolds of a complex space form233
Saburo UchiyamaA further note on the generalized Josephus problem253
Hyunjin LeeRiemannian manifolds referred to warped product models261
Katsumi AKAHORIRemarks on the Clifford index of algebraic curves271
Katsumi AKAHORINormal generation of line bundles of degree 2g-2h1(L)-Cliff(X)-k(k = 2,3,4) on Curves283
Ryuji SasakiHermitian Jacobi Forms of index one301
Kiyoshi MochizukiOn scattering for wave equations with time dependent coefficients327
Takashi SakaiTransferred kinematic formulae in two point homogeneous spaces343
Masaya TomieGroup presentation of the Schur-multiplier derived from a loop group355
Kouhei MiuraConstruction of harmonic maps between semi-Riemannian spheres397

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Vol.31, No.1 (2007)

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Vol.32, No.1 (2008)