Vol.30, No.2 (2006)

Jan van Mill, Mikhail G.Tkachenko, Vladimir V.Tkachuk, and Richard G. WilsonLocal properties and maximal Tychonoff connected spaces241
Tatsuo Nishitani and Jean VaillantSmoothly symmetrizable complex systems and the real reduced dimension259
Masaru Iizuka, Miyuki Maeno and Matsuyo TomisakiAsymptotic conditional distributions related to one-dimensional generalized diffusion processes273
Jong Taek ChoLevi-parallel hypersurfaces in a complex space form329
Taka-aki TanakaAlgebraic independence of modified reciprocal sums of products of Fibonacci numbers345
Dorota KowalczykOn the Reissner-Nordstörm-de Sitter type spacetimes363
Katsumi NagaiThe integrated density of stated of one-dimensional random Schrödinger operator with white noise potential and background383
Vitalij A.ChatyrkoSubspaces of the Sorgenfrey line and their products401
Alessia AscanelliGevrey well posedness for a second order weakly hyperbolic equation with non regular in time coefficients415
Hiroshi Tanaka and Hirokazu YokoyamaQuantifier elimination of the products of ordered Abelian groups433
Florian Luca and Igor E. ShparlinskiOn the number of polynomial maps into Zn439

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Vol.30, No.1 (2006)

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Vol.31, No.1 (2007)