Vol.29, No.2 (2005)

Atsushi SatohScattering for Nonlinear Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems285
Takaaki Ohkubo and Kunio SakamotoCR Einstein-Weyl structures309
Takao HayamiOn Hochschld cohomology ring of the integral group ring of the quaternion group363
Alina IacobGeneralized Tate cohomology389
Yuki HaraguchiOn Non-commutative extensions of Ga by Gm over an Fp-Algebra405
Yasuhiro NiitsumaOn the extensions of Wn by G over an Zp-Algebra437
Jin-ichi Itoh and Fumiko OhtsukaTotal curvature of noncompact piecewise Riemannian 2-Polyhedra471
Mukut Mani Tripathi, Tooru Sasahara and Jeong-Sik KimOn invariant submanifolds of contact metric manifolds495
U-Hang Ki and Setsuo NagaiReal hypersurfaces of a nonflat complex space form in terms of the Ricci tensor511
Aleksander Grytczuk and Barbara MedrykOn a result of Flammenkamp-Luca concerning noncototient sequence533
Takashi OKAYASUA Gap theorem for complete four-dimensional manifolds with dW+ = 0539

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Vol.29, No.1 (2005)

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