Vol.27, No.1 (2003)

Massimo CicognaniThe Cauchy Problem for Strictly Hyperbolic Operators with Non-Absolutely Continuous Coefficients1
Ryszard Deszcz and Marian HotlosOn Some Pseudosymmetry Type Curvature Condition13
Noriaki UmedaBlow-up and Large Time Behavior of Solutions of a Weakly Coupled System of Reaction-Diffusion Equations31
Byung Keun Sohn and Dae Hyeon PahkAnalytic Representation of Generalized Tempered Distributions of Exponential Growth by Wavelets47
Zhou JianweiIrreducible Clifford Modules57
Zhou JianweiSpinors, Calibrations and Grassmannians77
Antonio J. Di ScalaAutoparallel distributions and splitting theorems99
Charles B. Ragozzine, JrHopf Algebras Generated by a Coalgebra103
Osamu SHUKUZAWADiagonalization of elements of Freudenthal R-vector space and split Freudenthal R-vector space113
Kuniko SAKAMOTOThree-Distance Sequences with Three Symbols129
Katsuro Sakai and Masato YaguchiCharacterizing Manifolds Modeled on Certain Dense Subspaces of Non-Separable Hilbert Spaces143
Takao KomatsuSimple Continued Fraction Expansions of Some Values of Certain Hypergeometric Functions161
Kazuya HayashidaUnique continuation for fast diffusion175
Daniele Del Santo and Martino PrizziA remark on well-posedness for hyperbolic equations with singular coefficients189
Toshikazu MiyashitaFixed points subgroups by two involutive automorphisms σ, γ of compact exceptional Lie groups F4, E6 and E7199

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Vol.27, No.2 (2003)