Author | Title | Page |
Vitalij A. Chatyrko and Yasunao Hattori | Estimations of small transfinite dimension in separable metrizable spaces | 221 |
Michele Mulazzani | On periodic Takahashi manifolds | 229 |
Makoto Sakaki | Spacelike minimal surfaces in 4-dimensional Lorentzian space forms | 239 |
A. Miyai | An explicit formula for the square of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line | 247 |
Hironobu Honda | Analytic regularity of solutions to the Cauchy problem for degenerate parabolic equations | 261 |
Hyunjung Song | Some differential-geometric properties of R-spaces | 279 |
Miguel Ortega and Juan de Dios Perez | Some conditions on the Weingarten endomorphism of real hypersurfaces in quaternionic space forms | 299 |
Bogdan Suceava | The Chen invariants of warped products of hyperbolic planes and their applications to immersibility problems | 311 |
Yasuo Yuzawa | Propagation of analyticity of solutions to the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic semi-linear equations | 321 |
S. Montgomery and H.-J. Schneider | Skew derivations of finite-dimensional algebras and actions of the double of the Taft Hopf algebra | 337 |
Filip Defever and Radu Rosca | On a class of even-dimensional manifolds structured by a T-parallel connection | 359 |
Yan-kui Song | Discretely star-Lindelof spaces | 371 |
Takashi Okaji | A note on the wave packet transforms | 383 |
Yasushi Ishikawa | A small example of non-local operators having no transmission property | 399 |
Jan Jaworowski, Nguyen To Nhu, Paul Sisson, Nguyen Nhuy, and Pham Quang Trinh | Rigid spaces and the AR-Property | 413 |
Tsuyoshi Hiratsuka and Nariyuki Minami | Derivation of Wigner’s semi-circle law for a class of matrix ensembles via Brownian motion | 443 |
Kazuyuki Hasegawa | The index and certain stability of minimal anti invariant submanifolds in Sasakian and Kahler Manifolds | 465 |