Author Title Page Yuuki Tadokoro The period matrix of the hyperelliptic curve $W^2=Z^{2g+1} -1$ 137 Ryunosuke Ozawa Distance between metric measure spaces and distance matrix distributions 159 Makoto Kawashima Evaluation of the dimension of the Q-vector space spanned by the special values of the Lerch function 171 Humio Ichimura Refined version of Hasse’s Satz 45 on class number parity 189 Takeshi Harui, Jiryo Komeda and Akira Ohbuchi The Weierstrass semigroups on double covers of genus two curves 201 Setsuo Nagai A characterization of isoparametric hypersurfaces in a sphere with $g<=3$ 207 Kan Kaneko A method for finding a minimal point of the lattice in cubic number fields (II) 227 Toshikazu […]