Author | Title | Page |
Mami Matsuda | Bifurcation of the Kolmogorov flow with an external friction | 1 |
Nobuya Suzuki | Models of Peano arithematic as modules over initial segments | 19 |
Zejun Hu and Haizhong Li | A rigidity theorem for hypersurfaces with positive Moebius Ricci curvature in Sn+1 | 29 |
Saburô UCHIYAMA | A Note on the Generalized Josephus Problem | 49 |
Takuma Ogawa | Similarities between the trigonometric function and the lemniscate function from arithmetic view point | 65 |
Takumi Yamada | A Construction of Compact Pseudo-Kähler Solvmanifolds with no Kähler Structures | 79 |
Reiko SAKAMOTO | Energy method for numerical analysis | 111 |
Gabriela Putinar | Finite jet determination for biholomorphisms of real-analytic hypersurfaces in CN | 147 |
Shin-ichi YASUTOMI | On A New Algorithm for Inhomogeneous Diophantine Approximation | 173 |
Kaori Yamazaki | Extending pointwise bounded equicontinuous collections of functions | 197 |
Reiko SAKAMOTO | A complete sequence of orthogonal subsets in HM (Rn) and a numerical approximation for boundary value problems | 215 |
Yun Myung Oh and Joon Hyuk Kang | Lagrangian H-umbilical submanifolds in quaternion Euclidean spaces | 233 |
Takahiko FURUYA | On an algebra associated with a circular quiver and its periodic projective bimodule resolution | 247 |
Gastón Andrés García | On Hopf algebras of dimension p3 | 259 |