Vol.29, No.1 (2005)

Mami MatsudaBifurcation of the Kolmogorov flow with an external friction1
Nobuya SuzukiModels of Peano arithematic as modules over initial segments19
Zejun Hu and Haizhong LiA rigidity theorem for hypersurfaces with positive Moebius Ricci curvature in Sn+129
Saburô UCHIYAMAA Note on the Generalized Josephus Problem49
Takuma OgawaSimilarities between the trigonometric function and the lemniscate function from arithmetic view point65
Takumi YamadaA Construction of Compact Pseudo-Kähler Solvmanifolds with no Kähler Structures79
Reiko SAKAMOTOEnergy method for numerical analysis111
Gabriela PutinarFinite jet determination for biholomorphisms of real-analytic hypersurfaces in CN147
Shin-ichi YASUTOMIOn A New Algorithm for Inhomogeneous Diophantine Approximation173
Kaori YamazakiExtending pointwise bounded equicontinuous collections of functions197
Reiko SAKAMOTOA complete sequence of orthogonal subsets in HM (Rn) and a numerical approximation for boundary value problems215
Yun Myung Oh and Joon Hyuk KangLagrangian H-umbilical submanifolds in quaternion Euclidean spaces233
Takahiko FURUYAOn an algebra associated with a circular quiver and its periodic projective bimodule resolution247
Gastón Andrés GarcíaOn Hopf algebras of dimension p3259

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Vol.29, No.2 (2005)