Vol.27, No.2 (2003)

Fumihiko HIROSAWA and Hideo NAKAZAWARapid decay of the total energy for dissipative wave equations217
Atsuko FujisawaThe classification of 3-dimensional hypersurface purely elliptic singularities of (0,1)-type233
Seiji HirabaAsymptotic estimates for densities of multi-dimensional stable distributions261
Tetsuya HosakaA splitting theorem for CAT (0) spaces with the geodesic extension property289
Mohamed Tahar Kadaoui ABBASSI and Maati SARIHKilling vector fields on tangent bundles with Cheeger-Gromoll metric295
Koji TsushimaOn a decomposition of Bruhat type for a certain finite group307
Saburo UCHIYAMAOn the generalized Josephus problem319
J. Hancl and S. SobkovaA general criterion for linearly unrelated sequences341
Satoru KikuchiBound for the Weierstrass weights of points on a smooth plane algebraic curve359
Taka-aki TanakaAlgebraic independence of Fibonacci reciprocal sums associated with Newton’s method375
Tatsuo Nishitani and Jean VaillantSmoothly symmetrizable systems and the reduced dimensions II389
Yoshio Tanaka and Yuuko ShimizuProducts of k-spaces, and special countable spaces405
Yuki Kurokawa and Hiroyuki TakamuraA weighted pointwise estimate for two dimensional wave equations and its application to nonlinear systems417

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Vol.27, No.1 (2003)

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Vol.28, No.1 (2004)