Vol.26, No.2 (2002)

Masahiro Kaminaga and Fumihiko NakanoSpectral properties of quasiperiodic Kronig-Penney model205
Aleksander Grytczuk and Jaroslaw GrytczukLjunggren’s trinomials and matrix equation Ax+Ay=Az229
Yoshitomo Baba and Hiroyuki MikiOn strongly almost hereditary rings237
Naoya AndoA class of real-analytic surfaces in the 3-Euclidean space251
Shuan-hong WangA construction of braided Hopf algebras269
Masanori Kozaki and Sadahiro MaedaA characterization of extrinsic spheres in a Riemannian manifold291
J.N. Alonso Alvarez, J.M. Fernandez Vilaboa and R. Gonzalez RodriguezThe Hopf algebra structure of a crossed product in a braided monoidal category299
Masakazu TakiguchiAn extension of Rauch comparison theorem to glued Riemannian spaces313
Norifumi YamataniS4-formula and S2-formula for quasi-triangular biFrobenius algebras339
Sorin Dragomir and Jun MasamuneCauchy-Riemann orbifolds351
Reiko SakamotoDirichlet-Neumann problem in a domain with piecewise-smooth boundary387
Kazunari Sugiyamab-Functions of regular simple prehomogeneous vector spaces407

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Vol.26, No.1 (2002)

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Vol.27, No.1 (2003)