Author | Title | Page |
Hisashi Kojima | On the Fourier coefficients of Hilbert modular forms of half-integral weight over arbitrary algebraic number field | 1 |
Takao Hayami | Hochschild cohomology ring of the generalizedquaternion algebras | 13 |
Seiji Hiraba | Interactive infinite Markov particle systemswith jumps | 27 |
Horst Brunotte | Periodicity and eigenvalues of matrices overquasi-max-plus algebras | 51 |
Robert Cauty | Propriete d’extension pour les compacts etretractes absolus | 73 |
Akihiro Nishio | The Iwasawa decomposition and the Bruhat decomposition of the automorphism group on certain exceptional Jordan algebra. | 85 |
Claudio Melotti | Double points of the slowness surface of the system of crystal acoustics for tetragonal crystals | 121 |
Ryoichi Kase | The number of arrows in the quiver of tilting modules over a path algebra of Dynkin type | 153 |