Vol.34, No.1 (2010)

Lewis D. Ludwig, Peter Nyikos, and John E. PorterDowker spaces revisited1
Takumi Ogawa and Yasuo KamataA product formula defined by the Beta function and Gauss’s hypergeometric function13
Nobuhiro Aki and Michio AmanoOn the Cartier duality of certain finite group schemes of type $(p^n, p^n)$31
Kim Hyo GyeongThe construction of the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator47
Soumya DasNote on Hermitian Jacobi forms59
Kenta UeyamaGeometric classification of quadratic algebras in two variables79
Shunsuke MurataBernoulli-type relations in some noncommutative polynomial ring97
Kazuhiro OkumuraOdd dimentional Riemannian submanifolds admitting the almost contact metric structure in a Euclidean sphere117
Mohammed Hichem MortadSimilarities involving unbounded normal operators129


Vol.33, No.2 (2009)


Vol.34, No.2 (2010)