Vol.42, No.2(2018)
Vol.42, No.2(2018)
U-HangKi and
Hiroyuki Kurihara |
Commutingstructure Jacobi operators for real hypersurfaces in complex space forms II
| 127 |
Nobukazu Shimeno and Yuichi Tamaoka
The hypergeometric function for the root system oftype A with a certain degenerate parameter
| 155 |
Anindecomposable continuum as subpower Higson corona
| 173 |
Katsusuke Nabeshima and Shinichi Tajima
Computationmethods of logarithmic vector fields associated with semi-weighted homogeneousisolated hypersurface singularities
| 191 |
Yasser F. Ortiz-Castillo, Artur Hideyuki Tomita andTakamitsu Yamauchi
HigsonCompactifications of Wallman type
| 233 |
Yasuhiro Hara
ATopological Proof of Chen’s Alternative Kneser Coloring Theorem
| 251 |
Ryota Umezawa
Onan Analog of the Arakawa-Kaneko Zeta Function and Relations of Some MultipleZeta Vlues
| 259 |
Yuji Kasahara
ANote on the Product of Independent Random Variables with Regularly VaryingTails
| 295 |
Yasuyuki Kachi and Pavlos Tzermias
AFormula for the Hurwitz Zeta Function, Riemann’s Functional Equation and Certain Integral Representations
| 309 |