Vol.35, No.1 (2011)

Ayato MitsuishiThe Gromov-Hausdorff distances between Alexandrov spaces of curvature bounded below by 1 and the standard spheres1
Renato ManfrinPropagation of analyticity in the $C^\infty$ solutions of quasi-linear weakly hyperbolic wave equations13
Hiroyuki KuriharaThe structure Jacobi operator for real hypersurfaces in the complex projective plane and the complex hyperbolic plane53
Takashi ShimomuraChain mixing endomorphisms are approximated by subshifts on the Cantor set67
Nobuhiro Innami, Yukihiro Mashiko, and Katsuhiro ShiohamaMetric spheres in the projective spaces with constant holomorphic sectional curvature79
Changwen LiOn weakly s-quasinormally embedded and ss-quasinormal subgroups of finite groups91
Mikhail SgibnevAn asymptotic expansion for the distribution of the supremum of a Markov-modulated random walk103
Michio HamadaOn the quasi-irreducibility and complete quasi-reducibility of some reductive prehomogeneous vector spaces115
Atsushi Ishii and Kengo KishimotoThe Quandle coloring invariant of a reducible handlebody-knot131
Yuki AnboRandom graphs with a randam bijection143


Vol.34, No.2 (2010)


Vol.35, No.2 (2011)