Vol.33, No.1 (2009)

Makoto TakahashiRepresentation of normalizer subgroups of maximal tori of the classical group of type C1
Yuuki TadokoroA nontrivial algebraic cycle in the Jacobian variety of the Fermat sextic29
U-Hang Ki, Hiroyuki Kurihara and Ryoichi TakagiJacobi operators along the structure flow on real hypersurfaces in a nonflat complex space form39
Tomohiro KamiyoshiiA characterization of finite prehomogeneous vector spaces of D4-type under various scalar restrictions57
Akira KamibeppuSubcomplexes of box complexes of graphs79
Shingo Ibuka, Hirotaka Kikyo, and Hiroshi TanakaQuantifier elimination for lexicographic products of ordered abelian groups95
Takefumi Igarashi and Noriaki UmedaNonexistence of global solutions in time for reaction-diffusion systems with inhomogeneous terms in cones131
Shinetsu Tamura and Nobuhiro InnamiCircular billiards and parallel axiom in convex billiards147
Hisashi KojimaThe lifting of elliptic modular forms to Hilbert modular forms and Petersson inner products161
Masaya OuchiA classification of k-simple prehomogeneous vector spaces under some conditions177


Vol.32, No.2 (2008)


Vol.33, No.2 (2009)