Vol.32, No.2 (2008)

Huaipeng ChenCharacterizations and properties of stratifiable spaces253
Takamitsu YamauchiThe role of countable paracompactness for continuous selections avoiding extreme points277
Benharrat Belaïdi and Abdallah El FarissiRelation between differential polynomials of certain complex linear differential equations and meromorphic functions of finite order291
Akira KamibeppuHomotopy type of the box complexes of graphs without 4-cycles307
Yoshio MatsuyamaCurvature pinching for Kaehler submanifolds of a complex projective space *315
Daisuke DobashiA Characterization of tiling groups323
Sorin Dragomir and Krishan L. DuggalIndefinite extrinsic spheres335
Jörg BrüdernRepresentations of natural numbers as the sum of a prime and a k-th power349
Taro KimuraStability of certain reflective submanifolds in compact symmetric spaces361
Jörg Brüdern, Koichi Kawada and Trevor D. WooleyAdditive representation in thin sequences, VII: Restricted moments of the number of representations383
Naonori Ishii and Katsuaki YoshidaCorrection to the automorphism group of a cyclic p-gonal curve407


Vol.32, No.1 (2008)


Vol.33, No.1 (2009)