Vol.32, No.1 (2008)

Hideyuki SakaguchiA Matsumoto-type theorem for linear groups over some completed quantum tori1
Takashi TeshigawaraA condition for algebras associated with a cyclic quiver to be symmetric27
Juhani Mieminen, Matti Peltola and Pasi RuotsalainenOn Graphs Like Hypercubes37
Erhan Güler and Aysel Turgut VanliOn the mean, Gauss, the second Gaussian and the second mean curvature of the helicoidal surfaces with light-like axis in R3149
Kazuaki TairaIntroduction to boundary value problems of nonlinear elastostatics67
Hidenori TanakaSubmetacompactness and weak submetacompactness in countable products, 2139
P.V. Ramakrishnan and T. LakshmiA note on the fusion of two vertices in a fuzzy graph155
Chuan Liu, Shou Lin and Lewis D. LudwigSpaces with a σ-point-discrete weak base165
Yun-Feng Bai and Takuo MiwaOn p-maps and M-maps179
Shigeki Akiyama, Horst Brunotte, Attila Pethö and Wolfgang SteinerPeriodicity of certain piecewise affine planar maps197


Vol.31, No.2 (2007)


Vol.32, No.2 (2008)