Vol.30, No.1 (2006)

Naoya ANDOSemisurfaces and The Equations of Codazzi-mainardi1
Katsuya MashimoOn the branching theorem of the pair (F4, Spin(9))31
Kenji KuwabaraGrassmann Geometry on the groups of rigid motions on the Euclidean and the Minkowski planes49
Jose Antonio de la Pena and Changchang XiHochschild Cohomology of Algebras with Homological Ideals61
Martha P. DussanSpace-like isothermic surfaces and Grassmannian systems81
P.A.Krutitskii and V.V.KolybasovaThe Dirichlet-Neumann Problem for the Dissipative Helmholtz Equation in a 2-D Cracked Domain with the Neumann Condition on Cracks103
Katsuhiro MoriyaA space of minimal tori with one end and cyclic symmetry131
Kotaro MineUniversal spaces of non-separable absolute Borel classes137
Sorin Dragomir and Ermanno LanconelliOn first order linear PDE systems all of whose solutions are harmonic functions149
Carlos Biasi and Alice Kimie Miwa LibardiRemarks on the Bordism Intersection Map171
Masato YaguchiHyperspaces of finite subsets of non-separable Hilbert spaces181
De-Jun Feng, Maki Furukado, Shunji Ito and Jun WuPisot substitutions and the Hausdorff dimension of boundaries of Atomic surfaces195
Toshiji TeradaContinuity of interpolations225
Alessandro LanguascoCORRIGENDUM TO: On the exceptional set of Hardy-Littlewood’s numbers in short intervals237


Vol.29, No.2 (2005)


Vol.30, No.2 (2006)