Vol.25, No.1 (2001)

Bin ZhuTriangular matrix algebras over quasi-hereditary algebras1
George Michael,A.A.On the smoothing problem13
Naohiro KanesakaExplicit structures of three-dimensional hypersurface purely elliptic singularities of type (0,1)47
Tadashi TomaruPinkham-Demazure construction for two dimensional cyclic quotient singularities75
Massimo Cicognani, Luisa ZanghiratiNonlinear weakly hyperbolic equations with Levi condition in Gevrey classes85
Shuan Hong WangOn the braided structures of bicrossproduct Hopf algebras103
Hiroshi MikawaOn primes in arithmetic progressions121
Hong Jae Kang, Hiroyuki TasakiIntegral geometry of real surfaces in complex projective spaces155
Tatsuo Nishitani, Jean VaillantSmoothly symmetrizable systems and the reduced dimensions165
Yutaka Iwamoto, Kazuo TomoyasuHigson compactifications obtained by expanding and contracting the half-open interval179
Nicolas Andruskiewitsch, Sonia NataleCounting arguments for Hopf algebras of low dimension187
Sorin Dragomir, Maria Rosaria EneaUnstable harmonic maps into real hypersurfaces of a complex Hopf manifold203
Julian Fernandez Bonder, Julio D. RossiLife span for solutions of the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition215


Vol.24, No.2 (2000)


Vol.25, No.2 (2001)